The Quintessential Rhythm Podcast

This portion of the website is dedicated to our in-house produced podcast, "The Quintessential Rhythm Podcast" or "QERP" for short. Intended as an episode per month podcast, QERP's mission is to assist in building up people and events in the dance and rhythm game communities by providing insight into current releases, the community's history and sharing the stories of those involved in the community past, present and future. The podcast is offered in its audio form here, but you may also find all episodes on our YouTube channel, some of which include video. Please make sure to check this page often and if there's something you'd like us to talk about, please let us know.

 TitleDate PostedDownload
AngelStar291 AngelStar2916/23/2022
The Kimdom The Kimdom9/21/2021
KaW KaW3/23/2021
2020 Retrospect 2020 Retrospect12/26/2020
Ready Game Begin Ready Game Begin10/26/2020
Egyptian Stallion Egyptian Stallion10/18/2020
Pilot Pilot9/26/2020
This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Please support Andamiro and Pump It Up by playing official releases at your local arcade.