Pump It Up 2015: Prime Ver. 1.01

 Jan 29, 2015    Crevolous    Comments

Pump It Up 2015: Prime Ver. 1.01

New Songs

HestiaGentle Stick150S04, S07, S10, S18, D11, D20
Ineffective Boss Without PowerNorzao170S04, S06, S08, S18, D05, D19, Co-op x03
Sugar Free (Full Song)T-ara128S15, D15

New Charts

NemesisCo-op x02
Yog SothothCo-op x03

Revived Songs

Ignition StartsBanYa146.05S08, S15, D10
HypnosisBanYa180.2 S07, S15, D08, D15

Quest Zone

Quest "Chapter 1" is updated.

Rolling ChristmasS05, S08, S13, S17
I'll Give You All My LoveS07, S16, D18, D19
Turkey MarchS07, S12, S15, S21
RagnarokS11, S16, S18, S22
Yog SothothS09, S21, D25, D26

Added Functions & Improvements

1.) Top 3 score of Rank mode is activated.
2.) World best score is activated.
3.) Overall improvement of graphic user interface.
4.) Exclusive songs of Latin version are deactivated in Rank mode.5.)- AC and DC commands are activated.

Bug Fix

Trivial bugs fixed.

This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Please support Andamiro and Pump It Up by playing official releases at your local arcade.