Pump It Up 2015: Prime Ver. 1.01
Jan 29, 2015
New Songs
Song | Artist | BPM | Charts |
Hestia | Gentle Stick | 150 | S04, S07, S10, S18, D11, D20 |
Ineffective Boss Without Power | Norzao | 170 | S04, S06, S08, S18, D05, D19, Co-op x03 |
Sugar Free (Full Song) | T-ara | 128 | S15, D15 |
New Charts
Song | Chart |
Nemesis | Co-op x02 |
Yog Sothoth | Co-op x03 |
Revived Songs
Song | Artist | BPM | Charts |
Ignition Starts | BanYa | 146.05 | S08, S15, D10 |
Hypnosis | BanYa | 180.2 | S07, S15, D08, D15 |
Quest Zone
Quest "Chapter 1" is updated.
Song | Charts |
Rolling Christmas | S05, S08, S13, S17 |
I'll Give You All My Love | S07, S16, D18, D19 |
Turkey March | S07, S12, S15, S21 |
Ragnarok | S11, S16, S18, S22 |
Yog Sothoth | S09, S21, D25, D26 |
Added Functions & Improvements
1.) Top 3 score of Rank mode is activated.
2.) World best score is activated.
3.) Overall improvement of graphic user interface.
4.) Exclusive songs of Latin version are deactivated in Rank mode.5.)- AC and DC commands are activated.
Bug Fix
Trivial bugs fixed.