Pump It Up: Phoenix Ver. 1.01

 Jul 26, 2023    Crevolous    Comments

Pump It Up: Phoenix Ver. 1.01

New Songs

AirplaneTyphoon120S01, S03, S05, S13, S15, S17, D08, D16, D18
Beautiful LiarMonsta X130S02, S04, S06, S13, S15, S17, D09, D16, D18
Boom!!RiraN160S07, S10, S15, S17, S20, D12, D16, D18, D22
GoodbounceEbimayo180S04, S07, S12, S16, S20, D13, D18, D21, Co-op x02
KugutsuOnoken220S18, S21, S23, S25, D21, D23, D25, D27
StormKoyote139S02, S04, S06, S09, S14, S17, D08, D16, D19

Note: Onoken's "Kugutsu" is a song exclusive to Pump It Up: Phoenix's Premium Mode.

More Updates

- After LIKE : Corrects the wrong beat in the D17 step.
- Hypnosis (SynthWulf Mix) : The missing Gimmick effect of the D19 step is corrected.

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